

Old times are gone

Now I'm just lost

Now it’s just an old memory

Put in the back, wondering if I even want to go back

To the way it used to be

My mind is so lost in everything

All I can think about is drinking

And getting rid of this pain,

Even if it’s just temporary

They say its better to have loved than not to have loved at all

I don’t know what to think anymore

After this emotional downfall

I can’t even describe what I am feeling inside

But what I do know is each and every night I feel like crying

Is there someone right for me?

Is someone actually out there about to set me free?

I’ve lost all faith in what I thought my life would be

I’ve just decided to sit back and do absolutely nothing

This whole life is just too damn confusing

I don’t think I can see the future ahead of me

So all I do is live day to day

Hoping that each day will find a way to see

Me through everything, through everything

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