My Dream (Taking you to the Top)


It’s in my blood to play music and to love

To love someone like you

And to bring you to the top

That’s just how much you mean to me

I won’t ever let you go

I’ll just let the music flow

You’ll be coming to the top

As I begin to unwrap these dreams

And watch this become a reality

It’s burnt deep within me

Loving someone like you deeply

Seems like the most incredible dream

I wish for this music to play

And we can dance nice and close ever so softly

I may not have everything

I may go off the deep end with my feelings

I apologize for that,

But I’m looking to love you

Please give me this chance

It’s burnt deep within me

Loving someone like you deeply

Seems like the most incredible dream

I wish for this music to play

And we can dance nice and close ever so softly

I so badly want you to be by my side

As I start this incredible climb

To the top, please stay by me

Because I will believe in you strongly

When you are feeling down and are near me

I will make you realize how special you really are

Just how special you really are

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