*From the darkness to the light*

The Darkness Surrounds you,

Your all alone,

You hear them laughing through and through,

You seclude yourself,

Your in the corner,

Your head hurts,

It's getting sorer and sorer,

You see a flickering Flame in the distance,

You strain for it :it's not within reach,

You stand up only to fall,

just to feel nothing but small.

Your completly alone,

No longer at home,

Your still sat in that same corner,

feeling nothing but smaller,

You cry: you wish to die,

You can't spread your wings to fly,

but in the distance you spy,

someone who has undoubtidly heard your cry,

They reach out to you,

this time they get through,

Your no longer alone,

Someone cares about you,

Someone got through,

You reach out your hand,

and together you stand,

strong and tall,

no longer small,

forever and ever,

No longer in dever.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this poem apeoximatly 2 months ago so that would have been in February I was feeling depressed like i had nobody to talk to i felt all alone untill i could see the light and i was made happy by someone I dearly love.

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