The patch has torn away
Now there’s nothing left
Nothing there to keep me safe
Wandering down a path less traveled
Was always the road I chose to tread
One after the other
No warmth upon them
But the sunny breaks peering through the shadow
Cold bitter air
A rocky road that seemed to never end
Once I break into the light, it’s but a moment
A moment to catch a breath
Before I headed again upon the bloody trenches
Faces familiar were strangers to my heart
I struggled to keep moving forward
The cycle was one in which I craved to part
A thorn embedded in my soul
Weary and broken, I pushed my way through
Finally I laid myself on a green grassy field
Closed my eyes, waiting to catch my breath
Before my feet would push forward on my rocky wreck less road
But nothing was there
To take me away, to push me onward
The serenity engulfed my being
A mind not forced to worry about the next step ending in a fall
I remained here till the shadows forgot
But the grass began to turn grey
My sky dark
I curled into a tearful ball
I was not ready to leave this place
Not now, not when you’ve all taken everything
Taken everything and finally handed it back
I raised my head
To look to see the tiniest star
She lit up the sky
A beacon breaking through the impending darkness
And a smile escaped my lips
I pretended to touch the star with my fingertips
I had been through the trenches of my heart
Walked the road not paved before me
And I would crawl the next million miles to just end up here
And so they say the journey has just begun