Gaze upon a mirror, what do you see?
Most see a carefree being, full of glee
A sudden impact; the image is twisted and gone
You're left with a spirit, unjustly withdrawn
Gaze upon my face, what do you see?
Do you find a happy child who now ceases to be?
Or do you look deeper, with the truth revealed
And find a tortured soul who longs to be healed?
Gaze into my eyes, what do you see?
A barren wasteland, covered with shrapnel and debris
The vessel is empty, or that is how it appears
Discover the truth of my tragedy; you'll shed a tear
Gaze into my heart, what do you see?
It yearns to be loved, to let go, to be free
Feel its surface; it's cracked and almost cold as ice
Heat it with love and kindness; a little will suffice
I've showed you my life, what do you see?
My words are true; this is undoubtedly me
Am I weak and unable to deal with the path I'm on?
Or have I, with my tale, a piece of your heart won?
I leave the choice to you, for I am all but gone...