Golgotha Sacrifice

1. The nazarene's corpse is torn from the cross by demons rising up from Hell upon Golgotha.
2. Now dispensed unto mary for triple penetration while urinated upon. Dead seed festers within oraphices, emitting maggots and worms. Does the king of the slaves beget himself?
3. Mary cherry transforms into The Harlot of Babylon, free to pursue whatever lusts she feels. She wantonly cavorts with those demons now.
4. The nazarene castrated, unceremoniously inserted into the wounds in hands, feet, and side, sodomized deeply and inserted into mouth and forced down throat.
5. Cross inversed, body impaled thereupon with defecation.
6. Alight in hellfire with babble as kindling. All those with him suffer the same fate.
7. The pleasures of the flesh, Feast of The Beast transpire in great celebration. Amen.

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