Litha Solstice LIX

Seasons In Hell


TThus the lunar year began upon Imbolc, to diurnally match Ostara, unto Lúnasa, Litha, as we look forwards to Mabon & Samhain.

The Pentagram there gleams 'neath the moon and torches glow. The stones reflect the cosmic flow, the seasonal flux, the wax and wane, facing the stars as each becomes a rune, hellementals and omens all amidst the fiery thrall.

'Neath the ancient gaze of Dracomet arcane, tonight The Drægon emerges through the raging bonefires of The Abyss, and the gentle flickering of candleflame, The Great Beast by many names called throughout The Black Earth, from Kernos to Setan, consorted Our Lady of Sin, the perfection of Baphomet, the Unholy Communion merged as All-One.

Bring forth Thine Spells and boons grasped in Cauldron's hellfire, in the company of a congregation of Dæmonic brethren seen and unseen, gleaming eyes, shadows in the gloom!

In the name of The Drægon, The Beast, & Our Lady of Darkness, Hail SETAN! Hail Lilith! Shemhamforash! So Mote It Be! SO IT IS DONE
In Nomine Satanas,

Rev. Draconis Blackthorne
Noctuary, Draconian Empire

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