Can you hear those devil drums
Pounding from the woods
Pulsing in your heart and veins
Trembling the ground
There on 360* Hill, a panoramic view
The ancient stones recall a past
From their crimson hue...
It is said that on these rocks
Were sacrifices lain
In honor to the elder gods
Before the Spaniards came
And some say still the beating skins
Echo to this age
With hoof beats, songs, and howling rage
A primal battle waged...
What dread deeds were then performed
In this accursed place
A topsy-turvy heresy
Duality's disgrace
The ebb and flow of innocence
Lamentation's rain
Rotten in their countenance
A history of fear...
Author's Notes/Comments:
Probably the most disturbing of these tales. There is a hilltop so named "360* Hill", wherein one may hike to see a panoramic view of Devil's Canyon. There are several large boulders and platforms in this area which are said to have been used for some type of 'sacrificial rites', and are still rumored to be sometimes used for this purpose. Phantom drums are also purportedly heard throughout the canyon, which usually preceeds the sightings of figures in the wilderness. Perhaps as a combination of imagination, urban legend, and environmental impressions, their origins are said to range from the ghosts of local Indians to the 'souls' of children slaughtered at the turn of the 19th century by a questionable mysterious cult supposedly involving local officials of the time.