Howling Winds, through Hellmouth rise
Icicle fangs, hearth glowing eyes
Melting snow, a whip of flame
Hoofbeats from The Pit, torches light the way
Scraping claws, gaping jaws
Serpentine probing tongues
Savor the carnage faire
Bloodthorns lashing deep
Bucranium Staves pound the earth
Demon shades lurching forth
Crown of Horns arching high
From Krampusnacht they ride
Ornaments shattered
Trees ignite the pyre
Church mangers & temples ablaze
Kindling nazarene, kringle chained
Chaotic Krampus Fyre!
Venison sacrifice, skeletal remains
Feast of The Beast, Solstice Sabbath beckons
Nativity Offering, Black Mass eve/il
Mithras! Horus! Dionysis!
Follow the Lucifer star!