By Popular Demand: Most High Statement on Global Health

On my journey learnt pretty much every way the Aryan Brotherhood have been screwing with us to not only kill us off early but to thin out our gene pools magical power, shortening our life expectancy in the process. Adam, of Adam and Eve fame, lived to a ripe old age of 642 some 86412 years ago and Eve lived 6 years longer. Reminded me too of a great book I read called 'the seven daughters of eve'. In it Dr Brian Sykes proves with DNA markers everyone in Europe is descended from 7 women, and globally 34(shame 17 of them, the gene pools were polluted by conscience free Aryans and Igigi{Canaanites}). So who or what changed our life expectancy? The answers simple: The Aryans and Igigi landed and proceeded to kill us off in any which way they could. From stupid wars to contaminated food and water, they did any thing and everything to kill us off because we were the lights secret weapon against any threats, and those crews were AI controlled to screw us up at every turn.

So what have I learnt? For starters, the spike protein artificial intelligence in the covid and spooks vaccinations has been put in the food chains and water supplies of the western world, middle east, Russia to a point and China for 6714.4 years. The dark ones, they used spacecraft to do it just like a plane would dust crops. This stuff would then replicate once consumed and alter the eaters or drinkers DNA, and that would be passed to the childrens DNA too. We all have got it in some shape or form, in the western world anyway. South America and Africa remained largely untouched until the covid scam, and any African leader that spoke out against it like the presidents of Tanzania and Malawi were bumped off by the AB serving 27.4% of the CIA. Truly there's no such thing as organic food as to add insult to injury, spike proteins put in chemtrails since their inception in 1989. This spike protein also sheds off the vaccinated at a rate of 1-9 litres a day and its pre-programmed to drill into food on our supermarket shelves, even in tobacco. All will be fixed in time I sincerely hope; refer to my previous statement as to how to deal with it.

This brings me onto the subject of chemtrails. I call on all those doing it to immediately stop. Your poisoning your own families ffs! And you will stop when I tell you what's in them. Heavy metals such as cadmium and boron(to reduce life expectancy by an eighth) Arsenic and 7 other poisons. Morgellans to eat away at our etheric bodies(shortening life expectancy by 21.7%), turmerica which is a nerve agent, and 17 other carcinogens. Geo engineering MY ARSE! More like Human Re engineering to shorten life expectancy. Stop now or you and your extended family will pay dearly for that. Chemtrails going to take the best part of 100 years to treat.

And they are not only spraying those on crops and tobacco(CIA STOP SPRAYING AMERICAN SPIRIT TOBACCO WITH CARCINOGENS AND NERVE AGENTS NOW PLEASE, OR I SEND THE BUBONIC PLAGUE THROUGH YOUR STAFF, AND THE TEAM EXPECT YOU TO COMPENSATE AMERICAN SPIRIT TOO IN DUE COURSE), but it adds to the toxic soup of weedkillers and artificial nutrients being sprayed on crops pretty much worldwide as the likes of Monsanto and Astra Zeneca sink their claws deeper into the food chain to contaminate it and kill we the people off. Their 'globalizing hunger' by gmo'ing all the crops and buying up land like theirs no tomorrow, then one day they will just stop growing crops and we will all starve(that's what Agenda 21 is all about; psychopaths wanting to trim the worlds population by 80% and steal everything they own) Here in the UK the WEF puppet government are even paying farmers NOT TO GROW FOOD, TO KEEP THE PEOPLE HUNGRY AND UNHEALTHY! Read all about that in a book called 'Gene Traders' and when the cosmics show up, expect all GMO crops to be ripped up and replaced. Mr Putin banned GMO in Russia: Wish he had woken up in time, that man did so much good for his nation and the world: Please don't forget him in a hurry.

So what else is in the food chain that shouldn't be? The answer is an awful lot. There's also stuff in there I'm simply not allowed to mention, but its so engrained in day to day life that my team prefer me to wait until the cosmics show up with solutions in hand. But what I can tell you is there are many additives that were introduced into the food chain to get us addicted to all the wrong things, making 34.8% of the population of the western hemisphere unhealthy and overweight. Emulsifiers, for example are the crack cocaine of food. Supposedly there to help blend ingredients, that's why God invented spoons! Its not only lazy manufacturing but consuming 75 gramms a day for 16 months shortens your life by 4.8 years. And I just picked up a famous shaped 120g bar of chocolate in a store to find it was 18.98% emulsifier. Worse than that, it stokes a craving for more. That's why you can easy munch a whole big bar of chocolate with emulsifiers in but a bar of high percentage dark chocolate with no emulsifiers, you would struggle to eat 4 squares.

Processed sugar is another killer too. Not only is white sugar bleached with chemicals, but is so overly processed your body doesn't process it properly. Brown sugar better, molasses and muscovado sugars best by far. 

Pretty much any overly processed food is not good for you, especially microwave meals as toxins from the plastics leach into the food: Microwave food is especially bad, literally kills all the goodness in it: Microwaves were also banned in Russia till 1981 cos they literally fry your insides.

Preservatives were also introduced into the food chain on purpose to shorten our lives(potassium sorbate is a mass murderer), as were 14 e numbers and 18 other additives. Buy and eat fresh best by far, failing that pay more and get better quality food. Some supermarkets in the UK you pay a lot more for food but generally those places have a lot less additives in their food.

Other additives to watch out for e104 e111 e178 e411, all silent killers and should be nowhere near our food.

And the Aryan Brotherhood have been blatant too about contaminating our food chain to kill us. Codex Illimentarius for example sounds official, sounds grand, but that kills us too. 11 things were banned in the food chain post ww2 cos they were unhealthy and Codex Illimentarius reintroduced 7 of them back into the food chain to kill we the people.

But another additive that is worthy of note is Bisphenol A in white tin can linings. That's a female growth hormone and leaches on purpose into acidic tinned food products. And this is one of the main jigsaw pieces in the artificial growth of lgbtqibullshit: Its not their fault, they are victims too, and the AB that have done it to you on purpose, and normalising it in TV and film, are laughing at you because THEY CREATED YOU! 

The other jigsaw pieces include Fluoride, amphetamines, female growth hormones and steroids in every western water supply for the best part of 100 years, the fluoride being added so that the mass population wouldn't get either the memos or the wake up calls cos it clogs up your third eye. A good friend if mine works for Severn Trent Water and he says the sacks of fluoride have a toxic skull and cross bones on the sacks:::stop it now please: worldwide. I'm asking nicely, its when I'm not asking nicely you have to worry worldwide cos our Brian can be stateside in 2.45 minutes if he floors it.

Next its the PHARMaceutical Cartel with a silent P. We don't need 47

.82% of the entire contents of your average pharmacy because they cause more HARM THAN GOOD, most of that's designed to shorten our lives too: MD's and GP's too blinded by the crooked FDA and other equivalents, or simply too bribed, and 84.14% of them either fell for or were bribed/blackmailed to fall for the COVID scam(74.8% of those since woken up to it, even my sister who was in the medical profession). I want that gormless prick Chris Whitty so bad in stocks at Wembley Stadium(and his Swiss bank account with 485m euro in for we the peoples pot). Also Elon Musk was right, the WHO bought and paid for by Kill Bill Gates for and on behalf of the AB with 18 cayman island bank accounts and 8 in the Bahamas, as well as paying off heads of state and assorted quangos and universities such as Imperial College, to perpetuate the COVID HOAX(check out Dylan Louis Munro's maps including the one he did on COVID. That's a great start, and support him if you can with donations for his amazing work). 

Natural remedies worldwide have been shut down for years, allowing big pharma to take over and shorten our lives. Vaccines in general too a major problem. Been told only 2 totally safe, the rest damage humans on a cellular level. And the COVID VAX replicates inside your body and turns you into a robot: Kills too in time. All the while vaccines reduce your immune system, thus shortening peoples lives: One covid jab reduces your immune system by 34.2%, two by 58.64% and three by a wopping 71.28%. If your fit as a flea, train and/or run, and your covid vaxxed, you have a 37.8% chance of dying in the next 7.4 years. The covid vax is guaranteed to kill you in 18.7 years tops anyway, and if you have had 3 jabs your looking at 6.7 years: unless my team that spans the whole of creation finds a cure. But that work cant truly start until the cosmics rock up; and they cant do that until AI is beat, and locking up the AB fast will truly help with that. And that was AI'S plan all along, to kill us off NOT to make us robots for the AB. Also a friend of a friend is a UK Olympic coach and tests showed stamina is down 32.8% in the vaxxed: All will be proven in time too.

Funny how the Amish don't vaccinate yet only had 17 confirmed covid cases, and none died. Not one case of Polio or Autism either in a community that numbers in excess of 812000. Vaccines, I found out the other month, also were developed to specifically attack the most magickal human beings. I saw a middle aged vaccine victim in a wheelchair. I saw into his soul, knew he was pure magic: Same Celtic mousy brown hair as I had at one point in time. Was told a vaccine victim straight away and had to get another bus; angels got far too upset. NO VACCINES FOR KIDS EXCEPT MMR!!!!!!!

Funny also too how Kill Bill Gates personal physician swears blind him and his family never took a shot for anything in their lives. I dodged a bullet too not getting a malaria vaccine. That shortens life expectancy by 4.64%


Other things to mention::

The average weight of a human being in the western world SHOULD BE 11STONE 7.25POUNDS, but it is in fact 14STONE 2.1POUNDS. This has been done to you by the AB by getting your families addicted to shit, overly processed food, and they, in turn have made children in the image of themselves. Also everyone's body mass index should be no greater than 15.82(mines 14.12, was 17.1 when I ate shit food) when in fact the western average today is 19.71: The AB are responsible for that too: They have done this on purpose to shorten the lives of humans because this alone is responsible for everyone's lives shortening by an average of 42.8%(Adam and Eve both lived till 670+, the AB is responsible for the vast majority of the shrink). Even 7000 years ago the average age was 162 in Europe:Supposed advances in medicine and shit food are mostly responsible for the shrink, the rest was caused by the toxic soup of chemicals in our lives, together with the deadly mix of radio waves:::All the handy work of the AB.

Avoid proceed fats especially fatty acids. Minimize fried food too. Your body can only cope with 16 gramms of fat a week, anything else just doesn't get processed and  turns into body fat. Also palm oil shortens not only your lives but the lives of the jungle animal  inhabitants, as the land is cleared for palm plantations: stop now any new plantations, especially as palm oil breaks down stomach reactions that are required to properly process food: Stop buying palm oil laden products, producers will soon stop selling it: REMEMBER, WE THE PEOPLE HAVE THE PURCHASING POWER TO BEAT FOOD PRODUCERS INTO SUBMISSION. 

Use air friers not deep fat friers, Olive oil best by far to use. Only 3 fried meals a week.

MSG is another silent killer and is present in 34.86% of all western snack foods. Also 44.8% of Chinese restaurants in England use MSG in their cooking. INSIST THEY DONT, ITS LAZY COOKERY TO SAVE ON MORE EXPENSIVE INGREDIENTS.

Suncreams contain up to 11 ingredients that shorten your lives by killing your etheric body. Dr Otto Warburg won a Nobel prize in 1931 for finding out that 'no disease including cancer, can survive in an alkaline environment' which means if you eat the right foods to keep your body pH alkaline your never getting cancer in your lifetime. You are what you eat and far too many of you just eat SHIT FOOD.

Talking of the sun, chemtrails as previously mentioned have reduced its power by 16.4%, then again CFC's and 4 other industrial emissions in the petrochemical industry have destroyed 84.82% of our ozone layer(all done on purpose by the AB to kill off humanity) 

All can and will be fixed in time; as I said before the only thing that can't be fixed is nuclear radiation damage(and barely a handful of medical problems). The sooner the AB is done, the sooner AI can be defeated too then we get the golden age in full effect.

AIDS and POLIO both manufactured by the AB, the first of them specifically engineered to attack ethnic minorities: Should come as no surprise considering this planet is run by white supremacists. 

Bubonic plague also created by the Aryans to thin out the population.

Antibiotics put in meat to reduce peoples immune systems, thus shortening the lives of those people who eat them:ON PURPOSE.

Heavy metals like lead put into fuels on purpose to contaminate the food chain.

A bi product of Ad Blu and diesel is arsenic.

27 other unwanted chemical reactions found in heavy industries across the planet. Lists of all to follow.

Mr Putin wouldn't allow 5g mobile phones into Russia, he knew 4g and 5g were killer frequencies and chose to reserve 5g frequencies for the military. And they do shorten lives by 8.2% with 12 phonecalls a day for a year and a half. Switch to 2g or 3g phones to make and receive calls, and minimise mobile data use.

I read one day plants don't grow next to WiFi routers, and they have got a lot stronger in recent years to  cover bigger homes. Live in an apartment? Look a list of available WiFi networks and the average in Britain is 19.4. Thats a toxic soup of frequencies right there that shortens your life expectancy drastically: Switch back to cables to prolong the lives of you, your family and your neighbours.


And finally to what you can do to help yourselves? Grow your own vegetables. Steam all your food, don't boil. Don't grow or eat within 18ft of a main road with lorries. Read every packet of food. Stop buying bottom of the range food(easier said than done for many I expect, but we the people can make food producers change their ways: Just stop buying foods full of additives, manufacturers will have to wake up or go broke) Look for natural remedies for your ills. Look too at your diet and avoid acid producing foods such as most fruits, grains, red meats and never eat seeds, they are by far the worst: Any foods that cause acid reflux are bad for you. To increase body pH, and thus ward off disease use coconut milk and almond butter(which should be labelled a super food its so good at increasing body ph, just drain the oil off first). Avoid wheat and barley too: As I said before, sort your diet out, and drink alcohol in moderation and never get sick: Never ever get cancer. With the right diet absolutely anyone could go dance in the Sahara Desert naked for 10 years and not get skin cancer.

Don't listen to western doctors, their to blinded by big pharma to be of any use. 84.5% of every medical doctor in the western world simply went along with the fake COVID narrative without questioning it, you should never trust them again with the health of you and your family. Sure if you break something or cut yourself open theres nowhere to go, but gor disease and viruses(including cancers), forget chaemotherapy, instead, find your local Chinese herbalist. Sure the stuff they give you to make a brew or consume tastes disgusting, but more truth in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) than western medicine that's for sure as the latter is only concerned about getting you hooked on their drugs. Sure the Wuhan Chinese lab IS to blame for the COVID hoax, but the AB owned that too. In fact when people start to expose the AB, you will find they own 84.5% of big pharma, and they will all go to the wall real soon and be picked up for cents on the dollar by my team, then you truly will be able to trust their output: UNLIKE NOW.  There's a share tip that would help the AB fall faster, sell all shares in big pharma and Monsanto, and toxic food producers, and boycott their products: 






But when the AB are gone, and golden age truly kicks in, including new farming methods and crops, things will get better for everyone. Rome wasn't built in a day, and we have a bit of a rocky road ahead, but we will come out the other end free of the AB shackels that bind, rob and kill us on a daily basis: No pain no gain as they say and onwards and upwards real soon.

Darren LOVEGROVE aka The Druid
Lord Marshall of the Dark
Grand Master of the Light
Superior light source number 1
Infinite Light Source number 7
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