A Humans Effort

Why me god. Why me. You put me in these pickles and I'm so done with it. I just want to be past all this, but again I want to prosper in every moment. I'd like to live life to the fullest but every lim I start to climb you cut down. I'm tired of swimming in circles. I want to change the world but all the problems I go-to fix I end up drowning in them all the thoughts of what ifs and why can't. I just wish for one day I could stop time and fix all the problems. But see I can't do this alone. Just one person can make or break a election but one person alone can't fix the global problems. We need to unite globally and be family as one earth. Stop running from the truth and being fooled by the propanganda.. I wish things could change overnight.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Do your part everyday to be a good human by, picking up litter and smile contagiously.

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