Adjust and Adapt!

The calls to "adjust" and to "adapt" to the economic regime of the powers that be are now universal. All who resist are identified with "the forces of darkness" and "tribalism." The calls come from the top down as an immoral demand commanding us to renounce the will to choose anything other than goods to be consumed, to become worms eating their way through a degrading and decadent excremental culture.

After dining on a long course of excremental propaganda, omnivorous worms in their delusion believe they are exercising free will simply because they are eating the surplus left over after the moguls have digested their monumental portion. Despite the excremental margin produced to keep the producers busy, the lion's share of the real wealth and power remains in the hands of a small minority exempt from discrimination and immune to the levelling disease of socialism: the rule of ethical law and order which is the law of love. The "free markets" extolled by this favored minority of mainly men are free to the extent the real rulers are free from government regulation in the public interest, an interest in stark contrast to the privatized socialism of their own swank private club.

Consider, for instance, that this elite club of actually free men, afraid that the abominable monster called Inflation will erode the value of their treasures, can determine by financial policy whether the good little consumer is employed or not and, if employed, whether she can buy a house, a car, or a refrigerator, along with the usual toys, trinkets and cheap entertainment to preoccupy her during the leisure hours she supposedly has to herself. Whether she is happy or not is, for her, a matter of chance rather than systematic necessity; for she is not a member of the inner circle who can assure themselves of happy objective circumstances, if not the subjective mystical happiness of the virtually opiated oppressed. If her happiness does depend on her objective situation, then her "happiness" is happy in its etymological sense of "hap", or chance, good fortune:  she has very little say in the matter except to buy what is shoved in her face and to vote for the candidates selected for her by her betters on the right side of the tracks. Whatever her situation, the members of the exclusive club are secure in their posh resorts where their enduring treasures are guarded by police and military forces, while the mob is distracted with ephemeral tokens and trinkets and baubles, and balls to play with--just as a pig farmer might give old bowling balls to piglets in their pens to keep them from biting each other.

From the self-centered perspective of accumulated expropriated capital, it is no wonder the call to "adjust" is universal. For if the global gold-supply were divided up equally, each person would have only a few dollars worth of purchasing power. Then the struggle would have to start all over again. Nobody knows who the winners might be, who might actually be fit enough to survive if put to the test. So why waste time sorting it out again? Let those who have seized earth inherit the Earth; and by all means get rid of estate taxes on large estates; and by all means give the biggest tax refund to the wealthy who so desperately need it for self-preservation, rather than pay down the public debt and save social security.

Yes, ma'am, so virulent is the demand for adaptation to the power elite's struggle for self-preservation, anyone who dares to vehemently object to the call to slavery must be in league with the diabolical forces associated with those mass murderers who apparently saw no viable alternative to adjustment than anarchy. Therefore, besides consuming and producing vast quantities of superfluous "goods" just to keep us going, we are to "conform to the demands of the forthcoming global order," as if it were a personal god. We are, for our own "good", to "let the market decide", at least until the small business is driven out of business by the anti-competitive practices of big business; after all, contrary to its hypocritical claims, the object of business is to eliminate competition.

Yes, we are to "adjust" and "adapt" to the "inevitable." We are to "welcome change"; that is, somebody else's change; for the more change there is, the more turnover there will be for the aggrandizement of the profit margin. To that profitable end we are to be "perpetually innovative", for the more we produce the more the value of the produce diminishes until every member of dissociated society is choking to death in waste while the advertisers frantically try to create more consumers to keep up.

Above all, we are to "have faith in free-market capitalism's ability to bring democracy to the world." Indeed, we must have "unrestricted international trade" so we can "expand our markets" and "bring prosperity to the poor people of the third world." Again, we hear that "what is good for business is good for our country," especially since, if we do not "grow our markets", domestic civil disorder will be the sad result when people lose their wonderful service-industry jobs.

That anyone takes the absurd propaganda seriously, that the propagandists behind the scenes actual believe it, is appalling, for it is the very antithesis to moral and ethical behavior. It is the pseudo-Protestantism of the Puritan who made a fortune being good and frugal, then forgot the real meaning Charity; hence anti-Christianity is the religion today. In any event, we are urged to abide by the greedy version of the historical world Spirit, the General Genius also extolled in a similar, anti-philosophical form by the Nazis, and of course turned upside down by the Marxists.

Now, as empirical worms, we are prompted to just go along, to willingly resign the liberty to freely choose our personal destinies. But ethics is always founded on a failure with a personal proposal to remedy it. A free man creates his own lack and strives to fulfill it. A truly useful man makes his own ends, and to do so, he must question what he is and he must resist the definition of the mass. A life of just going along with the greedy spirit of international capitalism is an unquestioned life; that is, an immoral life. It is not a life of ethical law and order. The empirical man who is simply one with nature is no man: he is a worm, an amoral man, or no man at all: he goes along with whatever force is applied. Indeed, we know how prone people are to imitation of the powers that be, how they tend to go along with authority; and we should know only too well the awful consequences at the end of the road paved with the intentions of authorities who proclaim resistance to their providence or inevitability to be futile.

Fortunately, rebels still exist who refuse to eat the farrago being dished out; they do not want to be a welcome mat for somebody else's change. Who are these rebels?

The ancient Vedic authorities referred to rebels as "non-sacrificers",  "demons", "monsters",  "outlaws" to be "exterminated." Deekpak Chopra, a westernized fakir with a license to practice medicine, spoke recently on television of our "evolution" towards a realm "beyond good and evil" where we will have the Internet as a "collective mind." Those opposed to the "evolution" he associated (here comes the standard brainwashing) with the "forces of darkness", the "Dark Age," "tribalism", "terrorism", and "the Oklahoma bombing." For everything is actually as it should be: it is the best of all possible worlds evolving in accord with divine providence. If you feel you are not on the top of the world, you must buy the fakir's positive mental attitude book which will align you with divine providence. To wit, unwittingly praise his god and go along with the inevitable holy evolution pursuant to the divine plan that is absolutely good because it is beyond the good and evil of ignorant people who sin against the plan by disobeying it.

Our favored fakir is obviously a friend of the trend; he is raking in millions with his sophisticated mystifications; his current book about how to know his absolute god comes highly recommended.

No, sir, cooks have not changed much since they seized control of the sacrifices so that everyone may lead healthy lives free of the social diseases caused by resistance to the dominant order. Opium for the masses is prescribed and dispensed on a regular basis under different brand names.

A Taoist summed up the practical procedure in China when he advised the emperor to keep inferiors fat, dumb, and happy. But that is not so easily accomplished given the forces of darkness and tribalism dead set against the utopian machinations of the oppressive imperial dynasty. Rebels retreat to the mountains and forests to rejoin their tribes and to recover their sanity and morality.

Why do the rebels rebel? Because they see through the imperial propaganda for a new global order. They indict the power elite who accuse them of tribalism; they charge the power elite of being an organized criminal conspiracy, with being a criminal tribe of thugs ganging up on the families and clans of the world. The rebels favor natural tribes based on geniuine morality and affection, not the beyond good and evil of consumerism, not the opinion-poll, dog-eat-dog immorality overseen by the economic and political thugs and their intellectual prostitutes. They call on us to resist the colossal satanic force that calls itself the light; to rebel, before no viable alternative remains but to plunge the world into darkness and chaos.

The rebellion proceeds at home with a liberating education. The Internet can be a valuable tool for a liberal home education, but not the primary tool. Technology is said to be neutral itself; it can be employed for good and evil purposes. The real forces of darkness claim the Internet is a "profound opportunity to create a Global Mind, a Unity of mankind which will destroy the evils of tribalism." Yet that very attitude is destructive of the diversity required for a healthy organization of families, clans, and nations. It defies the natural inclination of man to associate with his family and a few good friends, that he may then love mankind in the abstract because he loves a few in the concrete, rather than be working his tail off for more gadgets and his employer's craving for commercial immortality.

As for technology being essentially neutral, that is a lie: our present technology is the way we address nature now; there are many other ways possible. We must keep in mind that our technology is inherited by our descendents and could, instead of freeing them, bind them into virtual slavery; hence the need for a truly liberating education, the development of a conscience independent of kowtowing to technology just to make some money and pig out on garbage burgers. The Internet can be a positive force, but as it is presently presented, as a means to make of man an omnivorous consuming worm, it severs human relations, rendering the technicians superficial because they are controlled by the technology of those who own it.

The foregoing rebellious rhetoric may seem viciously vitriolic to the power elite and their multitudinous minions, and it may be as hyperbolic as the propaganda it opposes, but it serves to propagate freedom from enslavement, even when it does nothing more than slash the tyres of the hearse careening on the road to global hell.

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