Many billions of years ago the entire universe was empty, no planets, no sun, no moon, nothing was in existence…. But then something amazing occurred, out of nothing it appeared the first planet, our world called “Earth”. When the world first began there was no land,no animals, no humans, nothing but only the sea and the sky, and between them was a lonely pigeon flying it was the only creature in the world. One day the bird which had nowhere to land started to feel tired of flying around, the sky and the sea started to fight to get the pigeon to try to catch the pigeon, so in order to get peace the land created itself, and restrained them from fighting, the pigeon landed on one of the islands to build a home.
The pigeon found a seed, one day the pigeon threw the seed on a wave to see what would happen and it started to grow two plant stems from it, from one came out a man and from the other a woman. Then the land which was the maximum authority intervened and said that if they wanted to live in there they should marry. So they did, many children were born to the couple, and from them came all the different races of people.
After a while the parents grew very tired of having so many useless children around, and they wished to get rid of them, but they didn´t knew a place to send them because all that existed was the little land they lived in and the sea. Time went on and the children became so numerous that the parents had no peace. One day, in desperation, the man started to scare away the little children.
This act frightened the children so they ran away in different directions, seeking hidden in on the palms, some concealed themselves under the rocks, some ran outside, while others hid in the fireplace, and several went to the sea.
Now it happened that those who went on the palms later became the chiefs of the islands, and those who concealed themselves under the rocks became slaves. Those who ran outside were free normal men, and those who hid in the fireplace became negroes while those who went travelling into the sea came back as the white people, that is how the earth divided the humanity, and with this, the social classes.