Your mind speaks to me
in many different ways
and even I know
that it's hard to see clearly
through the haze
it is tough to see with the eyes
and believe with the heart
when you can't possibly know
if what you're looking for
is there or not
when the haze is so thick
that you can't see the parts
of what's right or what's wrong
and even though you can't see
with the heart
you believe it's there
if you see it
don't blink twice
'cause it can be taken away
and that wouldn't be nice
if you believe in it
believe with your full heart
and don't ever think twice
for she could be right in front
of you
and nothing could be more nice
for she's young 'n' sweet
she's pretty 'n' neat
and she's totally beautiful
inside and out
and of all the things in the
entire world today
that's really nice