

Here I am

dreaming like a kid again

remembering the first time I seen you

in my dreams

you said we'd always be

then you disappeared

and I couldn't see you



Walk inside your house one day

I was fourteen years old

you were so beautiful

wonderful in the way

you moved

but I couldn't find

the words to say

'cause you totally

blew my mind when I looked in

your eyes

that day



I can't take my eyes off you

I look into your eyes

so pretty and blue

I just wanna lose myself

I just wanna lose myself

lose myself in you



I never met a Blonde

as pretty as you

you take my heart away

everytime I see you

never seen a Blonde

no I never seen a Blonde

as pretty as you



Years later in reality

you sit across the table

from me

someone told me

keep your eyes to yourself

she's taken

but I couldn't

'cause you're pretty as can be


Repeat Bridge and Chorus



I'm still out here

on my own

trying to find

my heart and soul

I'm still looking for you

I'm out here looking for you





In my dreams

you're here

in my arms

when I wake

you're long gone

I'm here without you

and my heart is torn

I'm still waiting here

I'm waiting here

for you


Repeat Bridge and Chorus




Author's Notes/Comments: 

This song is one of the most honest songs I think I've ever written. Yes, I am attracted to blonde haired women. I always have been. How this song is so honest is because every verse in this song is a true story that happened in my life. Every verse is a story that happened at different times in my life. The last two verses are where I'm at now. Verse1 - I was at my aunt and uncle's house for an over night stay with my cousins. After we went to sleep that night, I had a dream that I met this beautiful blonde girl and she wanted to be with me, but she couldn't be, at the time. And she disappeared and I feel like I've been trying to find her ever since. Keep in mind, I was ten years old when I had this dream, but it was so vivid, that I have't forgotten it over the years. Verse2 - I was fourteen years old. I went with my Dad, my brother, and my cousin's Mom to pick up my cousin from his Stepmom's house. We were there for a while. My cousin wanted to stay another week there. His Mom let him, but while in the living room there, my cousin's stepsister comes walking in. No I'm not related to her. She was just beautifuland I couldn't take my eyes off her, but I was so shy back then and I was so struck by how beautiful she was that I couldn't speak. The next week my cousin and I were talking and I told him what I thought of her. He told me that she liked me too and that she said she wished more guys like me went to her school. I asked my Dad if they could arrange with her Mom some hang out time with her and I. But he wouldn't do it. I was crushed. I never seen her again. She was part of the reason why I wrote the song called "You're In My Heart" when I was around that age. Verse3 - Years later I'm sitting in the cafeteria at work with some friends of mine, and this little beautiful blonde comes over and sits with us. Unbeknown to me, one of my friends is her cousin. Her cousin introduced us. I was taken by her and how nice she was and still is and just her natural beauty. She eventually got up and went back to work. I don't know if I had a certain look on my face or what, but her cousin looked at me and said "She has a boyfriend Dave." I didn't even say anything. And her cousin repeated herself to me a couple times. So anytime until more recently, if I was feeling anything for or about her. I would put it off because she had a man. I wanted so bad to ask her out after I found out that she was single, but some catastrophic things happened both times when I was ready to ask her out. So I did what I thought was the right thing and backed off and gave her space. A little while after I heard she was talking to some other guy. And now here we are. I'm still out here on my own. Trying to find my heart and soul. Story of my life. I'm still out here looking for her, wherever she is.

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