Old Comrades

For the Herforder Association


Old Comrades/Alte Kameraden


Oh how long ago was that time
Then we were young and full of pride

When our country needed of us
And we stood ready side by side

So tonight will be a long long night
And we will drink to those we knew
As the years march on in double time
We who once were many now so few


So comrade lift your glass on high
And toast each  your absent friend
As we ever old comrades remain
Until our time shall finally end


So fill your glass until the dawn
For life is short and death is sure
Celebrate this friendship that we share
For true frienship is a thing so pure


Leid und kummer das vergeht
Veil das welt sich veiter dreht
Darum hebt das glass voll wein
Und lasst uns alte kameraden sein


( rough translation of final verse)

Trouble and worry will go
Because the world continues to turn
Therefore you should lift you glass
And let us old comrades remain


The last verse is from the German song "Alte Kameraden"
And the whole idea came from that song

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