Never Ending Nightmare

Just A Memory

Stuck in the centre of darkness too only hope to see another day.

Wishing there was someone by me but they left me dying along the way.

The same question always asked; “When will this suffering end?”

Shot down in reflection to the pain that will never mend.

How could someone so close leave me so far behind, leave me alone in the shadow?

Now the darkness comes to take me, to kill me, to consume all of what I know.

It seems that life, my life is un-important; just a mistake upon God’s star

And as he offers me to the darkness, and the light around me left but a scar;

But its because of others that stand by me, and for them I will never give up

for they are the ones that protect me, from drinking from death’s cup.

There is one that was always by me but this time, they weren’t there.

For she felt unimportant too me and so this time she didn’t seem to care.

The time I needed her most, the time I really wish that she was here.

She walked the other-way, and never realized that she left me in fear.

As the powers of time continued, so did the suffering and the pain I held inside.

Until the day I released this feeling, the feeling that created the tears she cried.

For it was the day that she left me to fear: The day that I would unleash apart of me.

The day my anger, my pain, and my suffering, would release the nightmare she caused me to see.

To see and feel the pain that I’ve been through; oh how I wish it was all a dream.

But I’ve lived through a nightmare all because of someone who left me down this black stream.

Only one can stop this, stop me from this nightmare.

The very one that left me here, all because she didn’t care.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

All alone in the corner of darkness, be the place that I lay, for the one I thought would never leave me, left me here to stay. How could you leave me wounded here to bleed to my dreaded death, when you know I’d never give up on you, not even on your last breathe? Even when I always stood beside you, when you needed me I was always there, but I guess I’ll never get that in return because it seems like you don’t even care.

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