The Human & The Angel, The Monster& The Demon

When I saw her that very first day

My jaw dropped and heart stopped

only till you walked away

but something inside popped

I followed her and caught her eye

The angel looked back like I some prey

to bad I didn't see the demon inside

I still need my angel to stay

I walk alone heart a chrushed

She walks head held high, like an angel

I see her and turn to mush

But her demon self attacked from ev'ry angle

Shes a demon in an angel's body

plucked straight from my greatest dreams

tried to corrupt me like St. Berrardi

she didn't see the true monster inside me

Monster spots an Angel

Angle sees the man

Demon uses Angel

Monster devours man

Broken bones will heal

certain cuts will mend

the pain like my ev'ry meal

They can never end

Need it to survive

Yet kills oh-so slowly

only some can thrive

leaving others so holy

The monster had died

From the demon's strange lust

but the man had survived

for longing the Angel's touch


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