The moment when I look back and think of the choices I have made
The ones that have gotten me this far, close, closer to my dreams
It has taken me far back at the people I have met along the way
The people that held my hand from birth and showed me a better way
The people that helped me to read when words looked so strange to me
The people that cheered me on when I met a goal
The people that tricked me but helped me into joining the military
The people that cheated me when I was vulnerable and weak
The people that saved my life when I was all broken up
The people that let me go home when I was ready to go back
The people that opened their doors again to lead me to the right direction
There were even more of these people that make this journey even more worthwhile
Those that thought me to be strong by making feel less than me
The ones that broke my heart times and again, yet I survived
Those that laughed when I made a mistake, so I corrected them
Those that judged and wished for my failure, still I got higher
These were choices I made, people I have met, while they don’t define me
They are all the reasons for my success and my praises
All of them made me into the person I am today
I would not have made these choices, good or bad, without them.