
If you find that person that put you first, never cheated on you, love you more than anything in this world,

Would you let him go?

or would you take a chance at love?

Love does not mean anything unless it is mutual, meaningfull, and understanding.

What is the meaning of love?

What you would give up to have someone that loved you and only you?


That someone who would shared everything with you and that you trusted.

The one that tells a women everyday how pretty she is and respected and cared for her.

Is it the real man that makes a women feel special?

Is it the real man that looks good?

Is it the real man that has money?

Does the real man really exist?

Women we talk, we walk, we ask, we pray for the perfect man,

Have we pushed them away?

Have we accepted the one that made us feel special with their flaws or imperfect looks or no money?

Have we jumped to the perceived percfect man

Have we lost touch of reality?

That perfection that we are seeking, is it real?

If we are all missing the mark of love,

Then, why not begin to ask ourselves why?








Author's Notes/Comments: 

This poem is dedicated to men and women out there that are still looking for that someone special. Don't let fear and society's thinking, perception, take away the true beauty of love.

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