Filament of Days

White pearls from my brocken necklace

ran down my blouse,

bouncing on the marble floor,

until they vanished under the furniture thrown around.

Just like my days- scattered, unmemorable,

lost forever between two and four digit numbers.

Is it better this way?

Do you remember the bike ride to the ocean?

We held hands and drew together a moon above us.

Just go and buy a new necklace!

Past can’t be beaded back together.

Those sweet times, still warm in me,

are better left behind.

Fold them in your back pocket of your faded jeans;

forget about them, until they bleach away to none.

Sections of life saved in sealed glass jars without a label;

lined up neatly on the shelf, just like enlarged neck jewelry.

You forgot about me, I’ll do the same.

I’ll lock the door behind me and go to catch a sale.

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