
Day's squinted eyes sifted light through its lashes.

Sinful wrinkle saddened under locked smile,

while grudging winds rolled damp fingers

among the last dress on the wire.

Rather fancy stitching ripped apart

along with the polyester sky.

Harmonious of rushing thunder

entered room with walls without an art,

and floor- just freshly painted.

Guard dogs pocked beneath the door;

penetrating fear gathered hail;

despaired shadows rocked upon the ceiling,

and whipping branches dug inside the broken window

to please the harden.

Calmed squall moaned forgiving play

on the twisted blinds- its own pretend piano.

Small song grew from-out the teary air.

Lost among the weather:

bended, hands snagged, caressed by fall of hair;

squinted eyes locked the light through rainy lashes.

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