Dust in the Wind

We are gusts dressed in flesh,

Temporary renters, stuck in clutter.

And why bother label code it:

Love- never found;

Needs- unsatisfied;

Feelings- undefined?

We highly grade it,

We are quite satisfied.

Hidden inside like parasite,

Feeding on the body-

Yours and the others.

We are drowned in complaints

Of paying every day’s rent of:

Loneliness- over done,

Worries- worn out,

Moving on- in the other clutter…

But, our natural direction

Of self protection

Brings us to the conclusion

Of self denial and

Rejection of the evolution.

We are draft, wrapped in skins;

When we end and then begin

We bring no luggage, not even sin-

We turn the clutter into a dust in the wind…

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