Far From You

Permission, approval, let go

Far, for feel, for taste,

To see if belong was the deal.

You didn’t send me alone,

But I parted with others, not you!

Same blood runs in veins

Stretched across the ocean.

Connection –denied;

Heart for heart feels,

Reach –faded, eyes -blind.

My thoughts sent nightly

Expected reflection;

Your tears –muted,

Squeezed between eyes’ lingered lines,

Lips -sealed, warm hands in fist,

No anger, no blame, no words,

Just miss, sorrow, pain,

Misread order, confused, misbelieved.

When does a hug expire?

Love doesn’t; love burns you, quiet;

Life in denial, counted numbers

In years and miles…

Suitcases –rusted, molded padlocks;

Moisture added, paddles -crowded,

Wires –crossed, rings are pounding,

Not from you!

You are there and scared for me,

But numb!

When I come

To see you again,

Melted in your hold,

How would I ever let go

Across your “no”?

(c)Daniella Chepandova

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