Who Am I

Who am I

I lay awake and think why in this world does my mind sink

It slips into darkness and clouds my view

Of who am I and who i can be


This fear This sorrow

Is all i've know

Since i Forgot who I was so long ago

Everyday I see somone else in the mirror

Who is this person

Who looks like me

Cries like me Smiles like me

Who am I


I've tried to be strong

But it doesn't help when your soul is broken

I thought I knew who I was

But I've lost that map

To the part of my soul where I use to rest

My heart keeps breaking

Small pieces at a time but who am i

to know if this is my time

I wake up everyday and put on the suit of " i'm okay "

and walk alone down the road of life

But now that i've finaly fallen down

I know who am I and what i need todo to get back up

Not I need to be strong

I will be strong

Not I need to talk to someone

Find that one person who you can talk to

Its no longer who I am

But what can I now be