I spent a lot of drunken nights wishing I couldn't remember

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I spent a lot of drunken nights wishing I couldn't remember

watching the moon crossing the sky while drinking whiskey

till the tequila sunrises start rising the hour after dawn

the lonely road awaits those who seek safety from the pain

of a broken hearts despair

love can die in many ways

some violent

some not

we all say we would die for love but that's just not the way 

it go's  

neglected and forgotten it slowly fades away till we kill it off

or with just a few ill spoken words of spite 

wounded pride starts war's 

love does not die easily like any hard fought battle there's 

collateral damage 


no matter what the causes are or who we blame it on

as a deserter of lifes train we realize how much we needed it

and how much it's missed when it's gone

I spent a lot of drunken nights wishing I couldn't remember


~ D Donner ~

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