splashing cold water upon my face
In that moment just before dawn
I run my scared an calloused fingers
through my hair.
raising the pall mall to my lips
take a long, loving drag as I watch
the embers glow
watching the ash as it accumulates on the end,
with a gentle tap it all flutters away
with the first shot of whiskey of the morning
going down I pray Her memories will do the same
as the sun begins to rise.I know it's going to be
another dayspent in a self made hell
the nights are ever so long now as I have
nothing better to do but to but sit alone in the
dark reliving old memories even when I know
damn well I shouldn't
remembering the tenderness of of her fingers
as they gently touch my skin
it's a feeling that lingers in vain
along with the desire to feel it once again
desire leads only to fantasy
with a fresh breath of regret followed by another shot
of cheap whiskey I light another cigarette
the sight of her picture that's still hanging on the wall
brings Me back to reality
With a breakfast made up with whiskey in Luke warm coffee
with a side of cigarettes
I begin a new day in the suburbs of hell
~ D D ~