I keep hanging on to the only things I know " Nothing good ever came easy"

I keep hanging on to the only things I know
but it seems love is just a name of a game 
they're playing and it hurts to bad to continue 
when you lose an lose and lose again

I can't escape the dreams that refuse 
to die
You can't imagine how I want to believe 
No! how much I need
to believe in love
the dark thoughts that come when your losing
a heavy chains an drag's a person down

when everything has gone wrong 
an your sitting alone in the dark 
with the cold steel of a gun in your hands 
you got to remember dying is easy
and nothing worth a fuck ever came easy 
it's living that's hard

I keep hanging on to the only things I know
Nothing good ever came easy 
here I go one more time
bring it on

~ D Donner ~

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