oh silly Me

No mater how you feel

sometimes there are no words
no one liners

no poems to recite

no clever quotes to quote

nothing that comes to mind that neatly sums up 

what’s happened to us in this life. 

one moment it seems that you've done everything

said to be right 

dotted every I and crossed every T
yet still you feel like you failed

did the love between two people need to end this way

in Vain
could something
could anything have been done

to prevent the tragic end of two peoples interpretation of love

I have ask Myself this question everyday

and after five years I still have no answer
was it Me 
was it Her 
or was it as they say

or could it be as simple as 
only one of us was willing to love unconditionally

oh silly Me 

~ D Donner ~ 


Author's Notes/Comments: 

My newest attempt as a poet , philosopher ...bored Redneck ? lol

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