
I'm a drifter , a nomad rider, never staying long
in any one town
I'm a joker in the deck , a new face in the crowd
their constantly looking , always searching
loathing anything an everyone they can't understand
I hide behind my indifference of what they think of me
walking their street's an bar's in total defiance
unimportance is not a feeling they readily accept
but then again the fear of the unknown keep's
them at bay, for the moment I am the new king
of the dark shadows an neon lights
a person will or could be strong , but people...
people feed upon each others fear
building up courage with imagined self importance
an alcohol
they know I'm hunting ,but for who or what is unknown
judging me by my battle scars most will leave
well enough alone
this time I won't be here long enough for any questions
for I've already discovered my reason for being here
is already gone ,it's back to the road
I'm a drifter a nomad rider
forever riding
I'm a Drifter ....

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I in my younger day's did do a lot of drifting around. Till I signed the dotted line for the Army. at the late age of 24 / the old man for a privat
Then I got to see a bunch of south pacific countries , Korea , Japan, Guam , Philippines Ect. I learned a lot about Human nature an our little quirks . A individual can become your best Fiend , People can become a mob capable of Evil / ~ DD ~

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