Riding the white Horse

Crawling through the dark
searching for a target in the night
knowing this might be the time
you don't walk away from this fight
pushing back the fear.
For death is already here
someone is riding the white horse to the other side tonight
The reaper He doesn't care witch one go's
could be one or could be both
He takes no sides

For a moment you wonder would anyone care
your just a number stamped on cheap metal
witch you wear dangling around your neck
who's going to get the flag if you don't make it back
your mother or the one you love , would she even care
such silly things to have running through your head
suddenly two sets of eyes lock on each other
so filled with fear but oh so alive two bodies collide
No longer dose it matter who's the one wrong or right
it's just two savages fighting for life
A flash of a knife in the moon light
then the sounds of gun's roar
for a few seconds it's Hell on earth
then Death rides away caring his prize
it didn't matter to him
but you know He'll be back for you some other time

At least for another day you get to be somebodies Hero
one more time

~D. Donner~ 4/19/86

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