
sometimes i wonder if maybe

maybe i tried to hard

or you didn't try hard enough

maybe we were naive

or maybe we just pushed it a little to hard

maybe it was just the changes in life

that pushed us away from eachother

it's hard to know exactly what happened

you know life's just so unpredictable

people come and go

they leave us here alone

and through it all

we either survive

or we dont

i guess it is up to us

our fate is in our hands in some instances

and sometimes we make mistakes

mistakes we can't take back

and our lives are effected

and changed forever

and we wonder

"what did i do to deserve this?"

and maybe it's nothing we did

nothing we said or thought or dreamed

nothing we would have done could change it

but i believe that everyone

will get what they deserve

and maybe someday we'll figure out

what the meaning of life truly is

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