Fire breathin




     Nameless, finding the

Only altar’s steps, steps, and

     Facing forever.



     Forthwith diminished,

Shewing the waywards, refining 

     Rocks and scat'ring dust.



     The subliminal

Floundering frequented, wast

     The filét the sea?



     Fountain of weeds with

Earth, wither no blood, except

     Crying dry droplets.



     We muster weak,

Burnt feet thereabouts, yonder

     Mound of making buds,



     Worshipping the world

Of thunder whilst a-twid'ling

     Thumbs until basking



     The Word, hearks unto

Which stars being against, and

     The wind's whirlpool



     Of awestruck amaze.

We walk within the spelled

     Firmament, heart's vein.



     Here happening rain

And decent mimes, draining still

     Somewhere, whilst brains go



     Drenched and steamed with flame.

Sleep achieved, the lifeless song,

     Slowly, things among.



     And garden strolls prick

Some wisdom, the soul repents

     Beholden muses.



     Boughly transgression's

Petal-tongues graces the Ghost

     To His smoke and ash.



     Om, Yeshua, the 

Beast befuddled: and His peace,

     Phalanges whereto?



     Patience for how thou

Sought to survive with designed

     Purity 'pon earth.



     Brought back to go back

With will of mending manifold since

     Torment, practice peace,



     Let know the nose knows

To preach sitting with angel-air

     To spots e'erlasting



     To seem the genteel

Man of the body's members,

     Thence, rest and let greet.



     Grow slow the viságe 

Of thee and soloist twine

     Ethereal mind.



     Sway cigarettes, sir,

And reckon the wisps the end.

     Seek the love, offer.



     But my numerous 

Queen! For a week thrice I've thought

     To draw dunes 'round these



     Feet returned and harden

Which weep drunkard sand. Can I–

     May I sit



     Gathered most grace,

However fearful dwelling,

     Practicing harméd peace.



     Things drastic and don't 

Decipher control, rotate

     Especial wise mind.



     Nat'ral icicles

Are smallish and fatal

     Tingling the brain's float.



     A certain pattern

Which appears thirsti. Either

     Ceaseful or long pause.



     Peaceful percieving

The guiding Angels’ head. Think

     Thus possessed by things



     Extravagant, and

Know not why spareth, dwindling 

     Questions reflections:



     The picture bestows

Parallel as pursuing

     To both the entire thing and

Arrival Atman.



     See distance, sun-dried sea.

No herb to smolder. The child

     Is fine , in red sighs.



     Confusion’s alive.

The secret of tortoise hideth

     Innards, and motions its



     Beckon to unknown wad:

Perhaps another abyss

     Of sinking which God



     Service for Thee from Thee

Processing invisible 

     Love inward timely



     Big fields of flowers

Suffice. Nothing fixéd fixed.

     In one truth smoke rises,



     Minimised 'gain,

Deemed like sleek infinit

     Observe and observ'd.


                    XXXIV. Everett Word 

     Timid thinking else

Lightning rags of mercy feed

     The concrete footstool.



     Under the gutter 

Descent clocks for swim. English

     Stairing Mistresses 



     Methinks and whisper

“Strange swamp and some fog.”

     Frogs croak majestic,



     They madden silence.

So-called crickets adjust

     And jog the swelling.



     Nothing's said like cigs,

Blunder inklings’ blunder, 'cause

     Going nowhere troubled.



     Divine danger, Dog.

Misled by entertaining

     Signs for mundane buzz.



     Repeat the reason

My sons. What firstly comes from

     Falter? Sober up.



     To quit searching goes

Stopping: Spirit's willful game

     With decence quested.



     Run then rest, then read

And eat, and sleep to see

     What mayest dreams.

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