With fear and pride we raise our sails
As we embark on this journey
We've searched for years to no avail
For that treasure chest trophy
Our compasses they always lie
Our maps led us astray
We'll on float on until we die
We're just waiting for that day
Upon dying dreams we say a prayer
That someday we'll see the shore
Tonight, our boat is beyond repair
Tonight, we sail on the ocean's floor
With tears and resilience we pave new trails
Amidst the water and the waves
Even through the gales we'll never quail
En route to our submerged graves
We are humble slaves to this sinking ship
We obey the vessel's every request
This is the omega of our trip
But we didn't pack any life vests
Upon dying stars we make a wish
That land we'll someday see
Tonight, we dine among the fish
Tonight, we sleep at the bottom of the sea
The only place i'll ever know
Is between the devil and the deep blue sea
The only place i'll call my home
Is at the bottom of the sea
The bottom of the sea