Fishing in the Middle of Lake Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg

A Scar is Born

...As I cautiously cast my pliant pole and the monofilament marionette string moves in and out of the opaque water, I remember to realize that over a thousand years of peace and partnerships are at stake,

Laying my life and liberty on the invisible line while frantically fishing in the center of the unpronounceable lake...

Robert Frost once radiantly wrote that, "Good fences make good neighbors", but the mending walls in Webster fail to heal or restore redemption once someone attempts to cross them,

An invisible border is clandestinely obscured on the floor of a frigid foundation which dwells a googol of cherished animate, energetic gems.

These neutral meeting grounds have kept their candid promise for almost an eternity, and don't take too kindly to those who break their law,

At this site can be found a plentiful pond with abundant bliss, but even a fisherman's Heaven has a foremost flaw.

When I arrived, the Pequots proclaimed that "Here, there is only a single rule," as they peacefully smoked from their pipes of peace and sipped on their succulent tea,

The chief of the tribe subtly shook my hallowed hand and pleaded to me,

"You fish on your side of the lake; I'll fish on mine,

As long as nobody casts their line in the middle, we'll get along just fine".

...As a feeble fish innocently nibbles on the diabolical bait, New England begins to prepare for a wicked war and the Earth starts to forcefully shake,

Sacrificing my safety and soul as I selfishly swim out to the nucleus of this tongue twister lake...

Johnny Cash truthfully told his tale a countless number of times of how he "Walked the Line", but obviously he wasn't referring to the undetectable one under the wicked water's obscure surface,

The bloodstained bows and arrows of animosity further demonstrate and confirm that the corruption of conflict and combat here still exists.

Before even settling into my new society, the Narragansetts naively noticed my innocence and assembled around me,

The sachem of the council begged me to remember just one thing as he knelt down on his wounded knee,

"You stay on your side of the border; I'll hibernate in safety on mine,

As long as no one attempts to cross enemy lines, then I stalwartly suppose that we'll remain true allies for a long time".

...As I feel a tug on my line and slowly reel in the catch of the day, I wretchedly realize that I have made Massachusetts's most malignant and malevolent mistake,

Surrendering my salvation and sovereignty as I pull my purloined, pillaged prize out of the heart of this forty-five letter long lake...

Ronald Regan, some time ago, ordered Mr. Mikhail Gorbachev to "Tear down this wall" in Berlin, but our nation's leader at the time should have been paying more attention to an even greater barricade in our very own country,

The horrendous hatchets and toxic tomahawks are merely a ruptured reminder that rescue and revival are out of arm's reach when a sinner is stranded at the Sadistic Sea.

As soon as I stepped foot on their sacred soil, the Mohegans envisioned my vulnerability and chuckled, claiming that "The defenselessness out here are as good as dead",

The captain of the clan counseled me to keep one thing in mind at all times as he excruciatingly said,

"You’re permitted to reside on your side of this neighborhood, but I'll spare your safety if you trek through mine,

As long as I never see your pale face in my woods or you insipid body in the focal point of our vicinity, then I pledge to you that your corpse won’t be my next casualty in crime".

...As the inhabitants on each side of the imperceptible perimeter perceive my peccadillo, a millennium of trustworthy treaties and indestructible bonds begin to disintegrate and break,

Forfeiting my freedom and waving "farewell" to forever as I drown in the dead center of this livid lake...

You stay on your side of the imaginary margin; I'll remain in rapture on mine,

As long as the world doesn't traverse through the no trespassing signs and transform tranquility into turmoil and tragedy, then I stoutly deduce that we can all continue to peacefully live collectively in harmony until the end of time.

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