Not I

A Scar is Born

...dedicated to Lady Liberty, who has cried with me...

Sundown in Fallujah, City of Red;

Uncounted the wounded, unnamed the Dead.

When you parade the planks of your widow's walk, who will bear your loss and grief?

"Not I" cries the corrupted Commander-in-Chief.

Slaughtered humanity adorning this juicy jewel;

A trophy polluted and twisted, so cruel.

While your arid eyes dry up, who will cry for you?

"Not I," croaks the venomous voice of the Ancient Old Fool.

Black gold running crimson in an ocean of tears,

Applause from the Moral, approval and cheers.

Who bears this blame, O Thou Anointed One?

"Not I," smirks the Sacrileged, Fortunate Son.

Hell's holy fires burn deep and cold throughout the night;

The Red, White and Blue splendidly showcased in all of Her might.

Who will fill the golden cup when all your toxic tears have been shed?

"Not I" laughs the Murderer, "Humpty Dumpty is Dead."

Your precious flowers now wilted, your candy spoilt rotten;

Cheer-up you poor scapegoats and soldiers, you'll soon be forgotten.

"But who speaks for me?" Iraqi infant Insurgents' cries plead;

"Not I" speaks the Serpent, cloaked in Power and Greed.

We let you believe your own lies and hopelessly search for those invisible weapons of mass destruction,

We watched you make a fool of yourself as your approval ratings witnessed a massive and rapid reduction.

When the weight of the world is forcefully placed upon your feeble shoulders, who will help you lift the laborious load?

"Not I" prays the President, "I prefer to take the less traveled road."

Souls set ablaze as the heart of New York City is ripped out and the Tragedy Towers crumble to the frigid ground,

Chaos is created on these crowded suburban streets as the government carelessly rides on the mannequin merry-go-round.

When the world police restrain you in shackles, who will provide your bail?

"Not I" acclaims the Secretary of Defense in his satanic speech, "prisoners of war must forever remain and rot in jail."

Your country felled down by Liberty's loquacious lies;

We laughed and we danced and we ate Freedom Fries.

Who pays the hefty price? Retribution is due.

Is it Allah or Jesus, tell me, who'll redeem you?

Not I.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Your talent is real and rare and your voice needs to be heard.  Keep writing from your heart and your soul and I fully expect to open up the NYT's one day to find your name heading the Top Ten Best Sellers!  I believe!

Thank you, again, Donnie.  You're a true inspiration.

-Mary Fernandez

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