A Place in my World

-A Place In My World-

How can I describe a place in my world, where new happiness is da result of present stress? How can I convince others to let me show them the way to go? If only I had the strength of a Savior to put the right kind of joy in everyone’s hearts just like the glow of a newborn baby. Only then I can take them to this special place in my world. This place in my world I can visually describe as where the sun shines 365 days in a year, and it only rains whenever somebody needs to feel free. Joy is common, but pain is rare. A man’s pride is felt strongly here, but a woman’s love is always there to keep his pride in its frame. This place in my world will not only be my fortress, but will be a stronghold for all those who love and respect me. All of my past lovers will be mature in my eyes and full with hearts of forgiveness. For this special place in my world does feel their pain. What is this special place, you wonder? I call this special place, the center of My Heart.

-The End-

Author's Notes/Comments: 

-A Place In My World- by Kevin Colbert, Jr. a.K.a. Xxpressive Lyrics 3000

How can I describe a place in my world, where new happiness is da result of present stress? How can I convince others to let me show them the way to go? If only I had the strength of a Savior to put the right kind of joy in everyone’s hearts just like the glow of a newborn baby. Only then I can take them to this special place in my world. This place in my world I can visually describe as where the sun shines 365 days in a year, and it only rains whenever somebody needs to feel free. Joy is common, but pain is rare. A man’s pride is felt strongly here, but a woman’s love is always there to keep his pride in its frame. This place in my world will not only be my fortress, but will be a stronghold for all those who love and respect me. All of my past lovers will be mature in my eyes and full with hearts of forgiveness. For this special place in my world does feel their pain. What is this special place, you wonder? I call this special place, the center of My Heart.
-The End-

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