

I walk towards you, I'm wondering when will the passion start....

I don't even glance back, at what was then, and I fast towards you

my heart is ponding, I don't know what to do....I feel as if I have already

lost  my breath, I start to stop and look back at what was then,

don't look back, dont worry about them, don't care for what doen't

care for you....I relized, what was then was friendship, my hands are red

I see everyone looking at me, my family, my friends, and exboyfriends....

I feel your breath, hot lustful, passionet steam...I feel as if we are one,

I start to ask questions? Do you desire me, do you want me as much as i want you?

What will bring us together? I step down, and fall, my hands are touching the ground

I feel as if the dept of my soul has dropped, more questions no answer!

What will bring us? A voice in my head says "Time" I can't go back, I won't go back

I won't go back to my old self! I want....I want....I want....I look up, and smile

I want you! But then I look down, NO where friends, is wrong.....but.....where

sweet people, but its wrong....(I just wish he would grab me already!)

I feel that hope is gone, and everything is lost....till I met you, he put his hands out

and looks at me, "Come on, here I've got you," hope is there....becasue you are there

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