Exposing the Cycle of Control: Misogyny and Patriarcharchy





In the glaring light of our world, where violence
is broadcast and shared, there lies a tapestry of pain,
woven with threads of dread and spectacle.
Men’s hands, heavy with history, strike
against women — cisgender and trans alike —
each act a public reminder of power misused,
a grim dance of dominance and submission.



In the public eye, some women
turn their backs, voices raised against their own,
echoing the rhetoric of exclusion,
as if the shared struggle were not enough.
J.K. Rowling’s words ripple through the air,
sparking fires of division, while Imane Khelif
and Lin Yu Ting stand as silent witnesses
to the complex tapestry of gendered violence.



A chorus of sorrow and solidarity rises,
as the rhythm of resistance beats against the walls of Gilead —
a dystopian spectre where women’s bodies
are battlegrounds, and healthcare is a privilege
granted by patriarchal decree.



The statistics tell a story, stark and unyielding:
transgender people, four times more likely
to face the wrath of violence, their lives
a testament to society’s failure.
Yet, in the face of this darkness,
there is a flicker of hope — a call to arms
for justice, for empathy, for change.

Let us not be led into the depths of Gilead,
but rather, let us rise, voices united,
to weave a new tapestry, one where all
are seen, heard, and valued.
For in the end, it is not the violence
that defines us, but the strength
to stand against it, together.



Author's Notes/Comments: 

In response to the distressing wave of news media coverage and social media hysteria urging individuals to police women’s genitalia and appearances, I felt compelled to pen this poem. If you were not paying attention, the main offenders were JK Rowling, Jake and Logan Paul, Elon Musk and Donald Trump. This alarming trend reflects a broader societal issue: the relentless scrutiny and judgement we face, which stifles our identities and reinforces harmful stereotypes. My poem articulates my urgent need for awareness and action in the face of gendered violence and societal injustice. I feel its intent deeply, as it evokes a profound understanding of the intertwined struggles experienced by all women, the disabled, and other marginalised communities. It highlights the importance of solidarity and collective resilience, something I deeply believe in. I hope others will be inspired to stand up against oppression and injustice — especially in online forums where fear, anger, and, most of all, disinformation are fanned, fuelling further violence. I would ask all to take a moment and appreciate that many fanning the flames have the most to gain. Ultimately, this poem serves as my rallying cry for hope, encouraging us all to envision a future where empathy prevails and everyone is celebrated and respected.

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