The world sways

sometimes we stumble

our knees buckle

sometimes we fall

what if I can't rise one more time

what if the darkness sometimes wins

the light shines bright beside me, but

the shadow engulfs me within

at times I have held onto your wing

and you not only raise up

you take me higher than I have been

the air is shallow and breath is slow

but eventually we return foot to soil

and mouth to words, but

here I fall again

My thoughts talk to me like a once crowded room

where no one longer lives

My memories whisper to me in pictures with a mute voice

every color a word, every shape a phrase that reminds me

yesterdays are sweet, but only fading dreams

today is slowly becoming just a memory

tommorow is an open book

empty page after empty page, but

my ink well is not dry

I look up from dirt and ash

no rings no roses

we all fall

down, rise

from our sorrows for the smile that once warmed us

has never left, and it never shall

tommorrows memories are not predictable

future is not drawn in certianty

We like to write our wishes in pen

as if they would never change, and

some never do, but not every dream comes


I look down at my hands and they tell me where I've been

the dirt, the blood, the ink

you wash it off but it still seeps through

you put your heart to paper

your set your thoughts to song

everything that got you here is what picks you up when you've


H. Jason Patterson III

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