If I Knew the Words

There I was surrounded by a beauty that no one sees, and it engulfed me sort of like how the wind engulfs a flame before it extinguishes it, crushing it from its very exsistence. When the wind dies there is a chance for the flame to burn gain, but some say a flame never dies. it lingers in the smoke, it hangs in the air your breathe, and circulates through your body waiting for the exhale. Some of it may stick to your lungs, and some of it may flow in your veins along side the oxygen in your blood.

The sun it sets, and it will rise again whether you think it will or think it won't or choose not to think at all.For every dark cloud has a silver lining, and sometimes waiting inside a shiny silver lining is a dark grey cloud begging to escape if only it knew how. It rises and sets every since the dawn of time there has been dawn and dusk, and their will be until time is no more, and it is ithat way with all things that are lif wether we agree or disagree most of us accept it as a fact that we can not change, and don't even attempt to see if we can.

If I new the words I coud sing a song or write a poem to tell the story that i live, but the words would not do justice without you to inspire them. Letter next to letter word beside word just waiting to see where everything goes when nothing is like it seems. memmories and laughter, and tommorrow a mystery, but the mystery is worth it because you have to put your trust in fate to do what it must wether you think it be for the better or if if you sense that liek is a joke and your the punchline that n one gets, but its all worth if their happy, and that smile will never fade from your memory, it's burnt there like a candle that never flickers or fades. The was drips slowly like the sand through the hourglass. Each grain is a memory, each grain a liftime of its own.

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