Morning Dawn

Morning Dawn

For every down there is an up,

but these thoughts they confuse me and go sideways,

both ways,

left and right,

never ending

Just pretending

that I'm up

cause I won't be down for long

For every sorrow there is a smile

it might be hidden behind the fears

not knowing what tommorrow brings

or what horrors from yesterdays still cling

Yet my face is blank in thought

not a frown

or one upside down

just thinking

never blinking

just wondering

what it is I'm waiting for

because my sorrows will once fade away

and a smile will dance upon these lips

For every tear there must be a laugh

life lightened

for too heavy a heart will sink

and I can no longer live in this depression

I've made it my mission

to be who I am

and that is who I am

with an open heart

and an open hand

I will dry your tears

If you will dry my mine

I will laugh at your jokes

be they funny or not

because the laughter washes away both out tears

and we no longer fear the morning dawn

when next to me is my friends

we shall crawl our way up from the downs

no matter how long we must travel sideways

We shall share our sorrows

so that we can both partake in the smiles that dance upon our lips

We shall shed tears with each

bacause we know that we can bring laughter to our hearts

and no matter what tommorrow bring

we no longer fear the morning dawn

Cx Patterson

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