
Hope is not something that is really there. Hope is an illusion. When you look around the bend, you'll see it. It's really just your imagination. Anything can happen and whether you hope or not, hope will not change the outcome. Sometimes, when you want something that seems impossible, you hope for it. It will never come. When you do something about it, you find problems and your life stops at the line. Something that can change your life and you hope and try. No matter what you do, hope will always hurt. Hope is just an illusion and can only hurt you, like alcohol. It wil help you feel good in some way, but you will always hurt. Everything comes with opposites. Beauty comes with ugliness, happiness comes with sorrow, and hope and love comes with pain. No matter what you do, no matter how much you hope for something, hope will not help, because hope is not there.

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