[*My heart*]


Take my heart and please be nice.

Treat it like a small piece of fragile rice.

Never say goodbye, or it will hurt.

As if you just stomped it into the dirt.

To it be honest, and to your word be true.

Because the only thing it wants is just to be with you.

It beats faster when you come around.

When your not in drops straight down to the ground.

My heart never wants you to let go.

But unsure of how to tell you everything so you know.

Your happiness is what it looks for.

Knowing you are the perfect one for it to adore.

Wanting your heart to feel the same way.

Beating next to yours each and every new day.

Loving everything about how you act.

Being with you forever is the most desired fact.

Never wanting you to be sad or blue.

Because my heart loves the happy you.

It wishes you sweet dreams and hope you sleep tight.

Loving the feeling of talking to you before bed each and every night

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