only to be know

among the leaves on the forest floor i sit,

looking out into this world,

woundering how it is,

we still have places like this,

with the world going to hell around me,

i can always manage to find this place,

a place were i can come to think,

and get away from the world,

a place that few even know of,

a place that i have made my own,

i guess you could say,

a place that reminds me of a home,

that i have yet to know,

i shared this place with someone,

who is closer tome than any,

she takes me for me,

that she always has,

we have drifted apart many time,

only to drift back together again,

in this place that is mine,

we share something that no one else can,

what that something is is coverd,

coverd in mystory,

only to be know,

to me and my friend,

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