Flash Fiction 5:15


By: Cristina Jaime & Paulina Zambrano


4:37. The movie already started, so I come in quietly with my friend Izzy trying to not get yelled at by the people in the theater. Surprisingly we get some of the best seats, we sit in the middle the row exactly at the center of the aisle. We chose a comedy movie because we are beyond stressed about finals and need a good laugh. As we start watching the movie, we get our minds off schoolwork, and relax. 4:43. I soon remember I forgot to buy popcorn, I enter in a dilemma of whether or not go and buy some since I didn’t want to miss any part of the movie. I decided to go later. 4:58. I start to hear some knocking; I think it is coming from the movie. I ask Izzy but she says she doesn’t hear anything. I decide to ignore it and keep watching the movie. 5:01. It starts to get louder and louder, and it gets to a point where I can’t hear the movie. I ask Izzy again and she just shuts me up. I look around to see if anyone else is bothered by it, but find that everyone in the movie theater is gone, there isn’t a single soul. 5:06. The movie stops and the screen goes pitch black, there is no lighting anywhere. That’s when I start to panic. I call out to Izzy but there is no response. I can’t see anything. 5:09. The knocking stops. My pupils dilate and I can see a little. I run to the exit door and trip on a step falling hard on the floor. 5:11. I get up and walk limping to the door. It is locked. I look over to the entrance not knowing what to do. The knocking starts again, as though it were watching me, but this time it is harder then ever. 5:15. I open my eyes.

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