If I were President

Other- Non-Dark

Standing before me I see a once great nation

Great because of the ability to stand proud and stead fast

Stead fast to the idea that freedom and justice reign above all

This nation not judging, but emphasizing it's splendor

Now it is no more.

I am faced with hatred from the world

My own supporters are now my traitors

Wars have been fought because of allegiances

This nation suffers from suppression of liberties

Constituonal rights now struck down

Martial law reigns this land

Hated by the one's we've helped

Poverty stricken by our generosity

Once great now weakened to beg

How can I ask for help?

How can I do this to our proud land?

It's impossible.

I now must ask my secret elite to join me

To set us free from all this ridicule

To make us once again the strongest

To once again stand proud and alone

To be the most powerful and control all

Turn the keys, push the big red button

Global annihalition of us all

Death to the one's we helped which deserted us

Slaughter to the one's that stood against us

Redemption to the one's we unjustly judged

And freedom for ourselves

It is now done, the glare of the rockets above

Incoming fires, outgoing goodbyes

All this I see, all this is predicted for me

It's all my destiny, my future responsibility

My duty should I become the one

When and if I were President.

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