Tears of Love

Dark Love

Desperatly wandering thru unknown lands

Searching heaven and hell for her lover's hand

She promised she'd return to be by his side

But his hope has faded, his dreams withered and died

She felt each of hs tears as they streamed down his face

They pierced her lonely heart like a cold wooden stake

She enchanted the four winds to carry her words

Then she screamed 'I love you' and hoped he had heard

When her search ended she crumbled at what she found

It was her love lying dead in the ground

She wept tears of blood as she sat by his grave

She had finally found her love, but now it's too late

Tears of sadness and despair fell upon the ground

As they sank into the coffin his heart began to pound

He has been resurrected by the by her tears of blood

Not even death itself kept him from the one he loved

Looking upon his face and kisses away his tearful scars

His lips touch hers and heals her pierced heart

This story we tell of how our love conquered death

How my blood brought him back from his suicidal rest

Now we walk together as destined by fate

Always joined by loves sweet embrace

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