
Other- Non-Dark

I feel as though my life will never be the same.

Twisted metal, confusion, sorrow and pain.

Smoke & fire....the destruction from a plane.

My thoughts, my dreams, my opinions, all radically changed

in a matter of minutes, in one single day.

That seems so unreal, How can so much change it was only....ONE DAY!!!

Our present day lives forever changed.

Our security has been torn away, our confidence

and thoughts of being untouchable have disappeared.

It seems as though my mind has been wandering

thru our great nation of liberty and freedom these past few weeks

and all I can ask my self is WHY??

Why so much hate?? So many innocent dead....

It is incomprehensible for my mind to conceive the 6000+ souls

which no longer inhabit this earth.

The disaster which took them, the horror of it all.

Tears come to my eyes and sorrow feels my heart

as I think of the mothers, fathers, sons and daughters

that will never come home.

Never to be held, touched or heard again.

They can only live on in a memory, in someone’s heart and dreams.

What a terrible loss and all for what??

It just doesn’t make sense.

My future has changed, I think everyone’s future has changed

now and forever, it will not be the same again.

Our future seems to be full of caution and restrictions...all to protect

our homeland, to protect us...AMERICANS.

In trying to destroy us he has made us stronger.

Our values, our priorities even our judgment has changed.

We stand united, we stand strong.

We are standing tall and proud to be AMERICANS,

supporting our country and government, but above all ....

We are supporting each other.

Old grudges forgotten, friendships renewed, transgressions forgiven....

Just look at what ONE-day did to our lives.

We now take the opportunity to say “I Love You”,

to spend a little extra time to show we care.

Helping strangers that we have never known, doing what ever possible

to lend a hand.

Can it be that in all this unity and being that together we stand,

we’ll one again feel safe to live in this land??

Will we forever look to the sky or will we be able to get on with our lives?

I for one have no answers at this time.

I hope that we will never take for granted what we have

for we do not know what tomorrow brings.

The future holds no promises bound by faith or time

which suggest what may come.

I have a new sight on life, a light that has shown me the way

and I will never forget what I can loose and just how

quickly all things can change.

I want to live each day to it’s fullest. To see the sunrise and feel

the freedom of our land all around. I want to feel at ease, to feel safe

to know that WE, the people of the USA are not a target to be

pulled down and destroyed.

I know not what each day holds but

will not let a day go by that I do not show my family and friends

how much I love them, for that moment could be the last chance I get.

So for here and now I just want to say....


Hold this feeling deep in your heart, let my words echo in your mind... no matter what, keep hold of all that is precious and never let go

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