Peace At Last

I can finally rest in peace.
I'm feeling complete.
To hear your voice was enough.
I haven't felt this good in months.
Again,you've given me what I wanted.
I'm not going to take it for granted.
From now on I'm living in the moment.
I'm not going to be afraid to enjoy it.
Life is hard I know,
Most people are "just for show"
You've always been yourself.
You had a way of seeing through me.
I'm happy just to know someone like you.
That's enough for me at the moment.
You'll always have a place in my heart.
You'll always be a part of my soul.
You'll always be the Romeo to my Juliet.
Tradegy always tears the greatest of lovers apart.
Who knows what the future might bring.
Time is capable of anything.
You make life worth staying alive for.
Just the promise to see your face again,
lifts me spirits like you wouldn't believe.
I just want the best for the both of us.
We deserve to be happy with ourselves.
Lovers come and go but none dare compare.
I haven't felt the same since or will I ever.
I'm content on being alone forever.
I guess I'm just waiting for the day to come along.
Where everything in life will finally make sense.
Maybe you can even be my husband again.
That'd make me so happy cause' your still for me.
Nothing and no one could ever change that.
I don't want to hold you back,
Feel free to pursue new avenues...
Just know that you can always come back to me.
Thank you for finally giving me peace at last.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

for the love of my lifetime...

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